15 Jun 2013

Pixy Acnebrite Reviews

You know, at first i found myself hard to believe with the acne-drug-cure stuffy that has been sold in supermarket or market as a whole. I used to go to dermatologists and doctors for more trusted product. Because i always think that acne stuff on supermarket or market as a whole are made regardless of what your skin type are. It is like a segmentation for all people who have acne problems, but moreover, every skin types are different, some of them oily, some of them rather dry, some of them supersensitive.And it can not be suitable for all skin types eventhough they face same problems, acne. That's why i've never been dare my self to buy product from supermarket. But back then, some skin care i used to visit at that time, still did not give me any improvement yet cash out my pockets! Lot of brightening-world-promises (i love to make my own word and quotations so you don't need to be really understand about it :-p) but none of them being true, and even so, it still asking your money dry slowly from your pockets. Leave it empty. *Sigh! like a hundred times*
Then i decided to quit of all those thing, and started to open my eyes with real product that had real permission from BPOM. Because most of the products from skincare are quite doubtfull, since i read a lot of damage things by using skincare product for long term. So the review now is coming from my daily routines cleaning face rituals, and now i want to give some review from these product below, check them out! 

First we have acnebrite creamy facial foam from pixy 

Second i have whitening cleansing milk from pixy also 

The last but not least, i have cleanser acnebrite from pixy

Those three products, as i remember, only spend about Rp 30.000 as total

Im gonna make a review from the creamy facial foam first! God seriously, i really love how this product's smell. It is really warm yet soft, romantic, whatever i just can't figure out the perfect words for it. Can you?
I just love this product when it touches my face. After washing my face with this i feel like a bit scratch on my cheek, like very clean but in a bit harsh way. It all because cocamide DEA of this product. To know about cocamide DEA, Check this   I thought this product is quite strong for me, but not as strong as g*rnier! give you guys later review about that. 
I was examining the ingredients of this product before i decided to buy it, i think the ingredients are quite friendly with me, i've been found those ingredients on few acne series products. What i like from this product, if you really suit with this one, you'll have your face brighter! Yes, i mean it, this product is not lying, it seriously could give yo brighter face. But i think it is not suit for me, i've seen few breakouts and zits along my cheek a few weeks after using it routinely. It is like whitehead or something, but somehow i just think it is worsen by the cleansing milk!

Second review is from whitening cleanser milk from pixy. Goddess, i can barely say that i might never been successfull by using cleansing milk. There was a lot of rejection of my face everytime i using cleansing milk (note: not only form pixy brands) Everytime i using cleansing milk, im trying to be very friendly like give a friendly stare "Hi cleansing milk! be good for me, cause i depend on you"
But then, i always get purging along of my cheek after using it, which is, i can not help it for longer, so i stop using it. I always feel a bit itchy after using cleansing milk, thought simply means cleansing milk is not of my criteria. My skin already reused it everytime i use it..

The last is cleanser acnebrite. Hmmm the smell...cant resist this smell! So good, so feminine, it is really perfect combine with acnebrite creamy facial foam. It always leaves my face fresh after using it. I also love this smell but...again..but...might not be perfect for me. I was started to stop using cleansing milk just to know whether the rest of products really successful on me, but then, i still have more breakouts. On my cheek, i can feel it surely. Because i've been twice using the same products, and still give me the same results. Then i decided to totally stop using it. I only use it a half bottle, it is now standing still calmly on the corner of my cupboard. 

Think i won't repurchase it again, but every skin types of people are different one another. One suits may not be the same of others. If you have like, moderate acne and not oily skin, i think these products are okay. I think i might not be perfect with the Fragrance and Colorants on these products, it causes my skin on damage. Im quite surprise of how brighter looks these products gave to me. But my goal is for curing acne not the brighter looks, even it is really-really teasing me a lot of brighter looks, but i should keep focus on my very first goal. Means, my searching of perfect cure is to be continued.... :)

13 Jun 2013

Spa Milk Salt & Castella Review

             Halo haloooooo. Habis sesuper sibuk itu ngurusin college-thingy . Sekarang semua sudah usai dan aman, at least buat 3 bulan ke depan. Huyaaaay :-D  Mmmm ga yakin sih mungkin sampe nilai keluar semua deh ya hahaha udah ah pinggirin dulu ^^

          Sabun dan Mandi. So, gue emang suka banget nyobain berbagai macam sabun. Bisa dibilang gatel kalo ngeliat sabun sabun unyu. Tapi gue pake sabun buat hal yang bener, buat mandi, bukan buat ngapa ngapain haaa you name it, you guess ;p

           Jadi sekarang gue mau berbagi pengalaman gue tentang Spa Milk Soap yang dimpor dari Thailand, kaya gini kira-kira penampakannya. Famous banget lah ceunah di Thailand tehh...


          Jadi waktu itu nemu produk ini di tempat sabun sabun dan kosmetik cewe di Hypermart. Yah, cewe deh namanya pasti spending time paling lama di corner ini sama di cemilan :p
Trus gue tertarik ngeliat nya karna entah knp saat itu gue lagi pengen bgt minum susu dan ngeliat sapi di cover nya bikin makin pengen kan, buat lebih mastiin gue ambil produk itu dan examining dulu apa aja ingredients nya. Aman sih kayanya, ada super brand logo nya juga, dan yang pasti dijual umum sehingga udah lewatin bpom. 
           Ini yg jadi big considering gue sih kalo beli apa-apa, soalnya sekarang super banyak produk-produk impor yang ngga jelas asal usulnya, ngga jelas ingredientsnya dan pasti wahabay banget kalo dipake dikulit .Next, harganya waktu gue beli sekitar 35 ribu rupiah, dan cuma ada satu varian warna ini. Ternyata setelah gue googling warnanya ada macem-macem boo. Plus harganya lebih murah di online shop juga gitu..

Owrait dan gue baru tau jenisnya banyenyong gindang, padahal kayanya yang yoghurt itu unyu, yang item putih apalagi lebih 'sapi' banget kan...banyak pokoknya ternyata kalo googling. Nah abis ambil sabun, kemana? ke lotion kan secara deket-deket disitu, thanks marketing team you make me more impulsive hanging around among those corners!

Dan entah kenapa gue dapet lagiii lotion yang gambarnya sapi, namanya Castella Whitening bentuknya kaya begini :

Ini jelas lucu banget selucu banget itu gambarnya sapi, harganya muree bener sekitar Rp 8000. Ups the more surprisingly thing is, di onlineshop harganya Rp 3.500 saja sista-sista! Take back that surprise! Produsen nya jelas kok, ternyata buatan Indonesia, akhirnya biar sepaket dan unyu, gue boyong bath stuff bernuansa sapi ini dan yang pasti ngga sabar dong pengen nyobain kaya apa sih.....


Spa Milk Salt

Ternyata yaa, bentuknya itu bubuk...dan harus tau, baunya kaya Dancow vanila. Gemes dong gue? gue penasaran apa jangan-jangan emang beneran susu tapi dijadiin sabun apa gimanaa gitu, gue sempet sih kaya jilat dikit hahaha plis jangan ikutin, gue cuma pengen muasin rasa dahaga penasaran gue aja. Ternyata asin, ya iyalah kan judulnya aja ada salt nya. Cara pakainya ya lo kaya basahin badan dulu trus tuangin bubuk itu diusap gitu deh ke seluruh badan. Harsh gitu rasanya di badan pasti efek scrub sih, abis itu gue diemin bentar sambil nungguin gue kaya nyelemin muka gitu di gayung latian tahan napas.  What i like from this product :

(+) wangi susu!
(+) bikin kulit kerasa lebih keset (terutama saat abis berpanas-panas seharian diluar rumah)
(+) ngasih positive feeling ke gue, setelah pakai ini keluar kamar mandi gue udah wangi banget pokokny
(+) aman, easy to find!

(-) sepertinya bukan whitening product (atau gue yang ngga realize?) entahlah, di gue sih ngga improve banget biasa aja

Repurchase 0/5 : 3


Castella Whitening Lotion 

Habis mandi pake Yoko Spa Salt, gue menuju ke lotion iniiii. Lucu sih packagingnya, tapi setelah dibuka aroma nya hampir sama kaya lotion pada umumnya, gue mencoba mencari perpaduan wangi almond dan susu tapi tetep aja kerasanya kaya lotion. What i like from this product :

(+) packagingnya lucu, safe product pastinya
(-) ngga improve warna kulit atau tekstur, gue ngga ngerasa bikin lembut kulit sih kaya biasa aja ... so gue delegasikan produk ini buat adik gue aja deh

                                                                   Repurchase 0/5 : 1

     Kalo gue abis jalan-jalan, panas-panas dan bau matahari gitu biasanya gue pake sabun ini buat ngilangin bekas-bekas debu yang tidak diharapkan menempel. Biasanya juga kalo gue ada ocassion khusus, kaya mau ujian atau kuis yang bikin deg-degan gue suka pake Spa Milk ini, entah kenapa positive feeling yang dihasilkan satu produk bisa bikin gue lebih positif mandang hari tuh bakal ngapain aja, sugesti atau apa gue ngga tau juga sih. But for me positive consequences of product leads to positive behavior (Oh thanks God perikon you have some benefit impact for me to analyze)

Have you try these products yet? Overall result 0/5 : 2,5

9 Mar 2013

# Face shop milk plus strawberry review

Exaggerate the desire of my self when i was looking for this product. The first thing come on my mind is.............im gonna smell like a milkshake! Soo i bought this product for $6 (60.000 rupiah), since i don't have any problem with my skin body, i've got no furs, it is okay, never happen very dry skin, it always smooth and silk, so i only bought in small size 100ml (the normal is on 300ml), after then i applied it on my hand, and god damn right i feel like candy mandy! Hahah i my self want to bite my own body after then. Not that gross, kidding guys ;)

(+) the colors is gorgeous, smooth pink. love it
(+) smells soo sweetly, a little bit affraid that a group of ants and bees will biting me (awww ;p)

(-) it just like another lotion i've ever taste before, nothing impressingly significant magnificient outstanding effect after using it (blah!)

Repurchase? Nah yet,
since i found nothing than the smell, i think im gonna switch. By the way you can use Nivea for cheaper price, Nivea is great product, i've been using it for four years, and no matter how many i've changed my choices into another brand,or switching,  im always have Nivea as my place to come back hahaha well that sweet quotes, maybe effect by using this product or something, i gotta be back for another review then! thankyou for reading ;)

# Tonymoly mini tint cherry review

So its kinda been a few long time after first purchased, then blooming away, just kinda remember to write this review. This is lip tint from Tony Moly. Mini tint actually, since the packaging is super mini and cute ;) i bought it for only..forget exactly how the price is, but it is under $5 (dibawah 50.000 rupiah) you can just barely googlin' it and find lot of online shop who sells it. It also had open branches for tangible store at Taman Anggrek.

Since i dont really like to put something on my lips (its like some left food or something for me) so i use it seldom, not on my daily activities, just for only special occasion such as birthday invitation or maybe for a date. Gah! So here the details :  (TONY MOLY TINT Contains jojoba oil to ease the absorption, restore cells and boost suppleness on lips. Also contains other nourishing ingredients to help the lips look lively and vibrant), as like i quoted from it details product.

My review for this product !

(+) super cute package. cheap price! and you only need to use it a very little touch to give the red colors (the more you apply the strange the colors will be)
(+) it has cherry taste and mint also (also reason for me why i always lick my lips after then haha :p)

(-) leaves your lips dry (apply lip balm as a base first, my advice)
(-) way too small so i always lost this thingy on my bag! yeap! im not that joke but this is seriously!
(-) not recommended for dark lips and cracked lips (leaves your lips spooky)

Repurchase? Not yet. 
Since then i becoming curios about peri's tint water, arrousing my desire when i look its package. Have you seen it? and oh by the way, natural way always win my heart, i still love to use honey as my favorite traditional way. But its okay since you really want to try it first, it wont leaves your pocket empty since the price is reachable ;)

16 Feb 2013


Sesungguhnya membereskan baju-baju di lemari gue sendiri membuat gue tersadar mengapa gue harus berhenti membeli baju. Hal ini sangat meningkatkan Awareness gue, mencegah Interest , menghentikan Desire, dan mengagalkan Action.

(Marketing ;Kotler) 

13 Sep 2012

You Are What You Wear

        Fashion is getting weird. Not believing? Let's see....

Seems you look enjoying yourself when snake wrapping your body. Is she animal lover or Panji's friend?

Okay, so nowadays there is a pants which shaping your V into Lips? Correct me but that latex seems so eewhh! You're not Katy Perry, anyway.

Who are you? Freddy Jason in the Animal Party?

Oke, things that i don't get it atau hal yg gue ngga mengerti adalah mengapa definisi dari fashion itu berbeda seiring berjalannya usia? Kalo gue liat blognya fashion blogger, blogwalking to anywhere, satu hal yg gue dapatkan ialah Puts The Weird Things in Your Stuff and You Will Looks Stylish.

Masalahnya, terkadang, seringnya sih, mereka memakai hal-hal aneh yang bahkan gue gatau apa ada perusahaan yg memproduksi itu? Mereka pose, take a pict, dengan baju mereka. Tapi kenyataan sesungguhnya, akan kah mereka memakai baju aneh itu di dunia nyata? Gue bertaruh, mungkin itu hanya di pakai untuk di potret, bukan untuk di pake berkencan nonton sama pacar di bioskop.

So what do you think, when you walk in the downstreet, suddenly, lo ketemu orang yg memakai baju kaya di atas ini? Lo bakal liatin dia dari atas sampe bawah dan mengira orang pemberani macam apa yang berkenan mengenakan pakaian itu di jalanan.

Things get more clearer, bahwa sekarang, banyak pakaian yg sebenarnya, okay  got it when you walk in the catwalk with that clothes, tapi saat lo pake ke mall atau ngambil rapot ade lo? Okay, they have lost their mind of course!

Masalahnya, baju mulai ngga wearable. Means ; Weird. 
Memang, fashion sekarang mengedepankan kesan inovativ, strength, and unique, dig all of your ability and see how you make it. Tapi yg terjadi, after catwalk, no one offering you some contract for those clothes.

Ngeliat orang pake stuff unik di blog itu memang lucu, tapi saat lo pake itu di dunia nyata. Tik Tak, time has changed. 

The problem is, kadang banyak org yang maksain diri mereka untuk meniru daripada berkreasi. Yang terjadi ialah banyak orang Men"copy" dari pada "Make my Own". Lebih banyak yang "Beli barang lagi ngetren" daripada "Kita bikin sesuatu dari kain ini yuk". 

Guys, seriously, lo harus punya cara berpakaian sendiri. Oke buat lo mereka memang kiblat, tapi get real! There is some clothes that doesn't always suits in every people. Coba cari tau apa style lo, apa yg cocok buat lo, ga masalah dengan modelnya yg ketinggalan jaman, kalo lo bisa taro sesuatu yg unik disana, There You Go. Lo bakal terlihat lebih outstanding dengan personality lo. Gue selalu merasa, Clothes Speak The Real You. Pakaian bakal mengungkapkan siapa lo, orang macam apa lo, kepribadian lo, dll. Maka itu, cobalah berpakaian rapih kemanapun lo pergi, yet, still, yang cocok buat lo.  Don't becoming Fashion Victim. Disaster besaaar buat lo yg ga cocok pake baju itu. Coba sadari dimana lo nyaman berpakaian, bukan berarti yg terlihat bagus itu membuat pemiliknya nyaman. Kadang, mereka menutupi rasa pegel pake high heels demi terlihat keren. But for some people, beauty is pain. Terserah mereka, setiap org punya keputusan sendiri. 

Masalahnya, cobalah berhenti mengutamakan berfikir  "Itu lucu, gue harus beli besok" , cobalah buat lebih berfikir "Does it suits one me? Apakah pakaian itu refleksi dari kepribadian gue?"

Fashion is Change, Style is Eternal.

8 Feb 2012


since i was kid , i always dreaming that maybe someday i'll be the bride . i mean , that was every girl's dreams. some people maybe affraid to take a serious relationship , affraid to make a commitment , and affraid being dissapointed . and for some left , they do believe that marriage will make their life brighter . me too . i always got my eyes in a step to cry when i coming into the wedding . i look all of the decoration , happy people , lovely eat , finest gown , pretty make - up , and absolutely the most happy couple in that day are standing and see each other full of love . one thing very special in wedding that you will feel that you are the most beautiful woman in this world (try to blind even angelina jolie come to your wedding or megan fox do more lips job and try to tease your man ) you will feel so blessed . and i always loooove wedding :) cant you see the eyes of the brides and bridgegrooms are soooo full of light and happiness ? its like they are never been that glad before . but marriage for me are even moore than that . marriage is a trust . and another best thing of marriage is having a babbyy ! yeaay ! can you ever imagine that when you open your eyes when you wake up , there'll be your husband and your cutie baby sleeping around you ? its like you get two everlasting doorprizes that you can always have in entire your life. but i still cant figure it out exactly how its like , maybe next im gonna tell you after i got marriage ;p

25 Des 2011

how to make a ribbon ring

okay next , how to using your broken ribbon shoe into something new

1. prepare (again) bracelet , scissors , and ofcourse the ribbon

2. tie the broken ribbon 

 3. fit the bracelet in your finger


4. voila , its doone