25 Des 2011

how to make a ribbon ring

okay next , how to using your broken ribbon shoe into something new

1. prepare (again) bracelet , scissors , and ofcourse the ribbon

2. tie the broken ribbon 

 3. fit the bracelet in your finger


4. voila , its doone 

how to make pink bracelet

since i was so addicted and couldnt take my eyes of something lovable (see , im so human) , but what makes it not human is when you have passion to always buy something , okay buy , spend your money for something that maybe not necessary . so here's i make bracelet and ring by my self .
follow this step :

1. prepare your old and garbage stuff , like your stolen bracelet from your sister :p  , cutted-old-pink dress(in bottom side) you can see the textures is weird right, then chain head band , and scissors

 2. cut the cloth into three pieces

3. tie the one side , you can use two pieces cloth and the locate the chain between them . twist that three materials over and under each other to make thick length ( make a braid)

4. tie another side

Tadaaa ! its done babyyy !